Interesting Things

Just about intersting thing or facts and even cool stories n others...Please do leave ur comments on the topics posted.. thank you for visiting...

Sunday, June 20, 2004


* Saturday mail delivery in Canada was eliminated by Canada Post on February 1, 1969!

*In Tokyo, a bicycle is faster than a car for most trips of less than 50 minutes!

*There are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal Crackers cookie zoo!

*Should there be a crash, Prince Charles and Prince William never travel on the same airplane as a precaution!

*Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second!

*The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache on a standard playing card!

*There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos!

*There is one slot machine in Las Vegas for every eight inhabitants!

*The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. It was the fashion in Renaissance Florence to shave them off!

*Every day 20 banks are robbed. The average take is $2,500!

*The most popular first name in the world is Muhammad!

*Tablecloths were originally meant to be served as towels with which dinner guests could wipe their hands and faces after eating!

*Tourists visiting Iceland should know that tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult!

*One car out of every 230 made was stolen last year!

*The names of Popeye's four nephews are Pipeye, Peepeye, Pupeye, and Poopeye!

*Until the nineteenth century, solid blocks of tea were used as money in Siberia!

*The Nobel Peace Prize medal depicts three naked men with their hands on each other's shoulders!

*When glass breaks, the cracks move faster than 3,000 miles per hour. To photograph the event, a camera must shoot at a millionth of a second!

*A Boeing 747 airliner holds 57,285 gallons of fuel!

*A car uses 1.6 ounces of gas idling for one minute. Half an ounce is used to start the average automobile!

*The Philadelphia mint produces 26 million pennies per day!

*A lightning bolt generates temperatures five times hotter than those found at the sun's surface!

*A violin contains about 70 separate pieces of wood!

*It is estimated that 4 million "junk" telephone calls, phone solicitations by persons or programmed machine are made every day in the United States!

*It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it never wears out and can be recycled an infinite amount of times!

*Forest fires move faster uphill than downhill!

*Almost half the newspapers in the world are published in the United States and Canada!


1. Anything we said six or eight months ago is inadmissible in an argument. All comments become null and void after seven days.

2. If you don't want to dress like Victoria's Secret girls, don't expect us to act like soap opera guys.

3. If we say something that can be interpreted in two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other way.

4. It is in neither your best interest or ours to make us take those stupid Cosmo quizzes together.

5. Let us ogle. If we don't look at other women how can we know how pretty you are?

6. Don't rub the lamp if you don't want the genie to come out.

7. You can either ask us to do something OR tell us how you want it done - not both.

8. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.

9. Christopher Columbus didn't need directions and neither do we.

10. Women who wear Wonder bras and low-cut blouses lose their right to complain about having their boobs stared at.

11. When we're turning the wheel and the car is nosing onto the off ramp, you saying "This is our exit" is not necessary.

12. Don't fake it. We'd rather be ineffective than deceived

Personal Ad Translations

Personal Ad Translations
A List of Abbreviations in the "Women Seeking Men" Classifieds:


Code Word: 40-ish
Really Means: 48


Code Word: Adventurous
Really Means: Has had more partners than you ever will


Code Word: Affectionate
Really Means: Possessive


Code Word: Artist
Really Means: Unreliable


Code Word:
Really Means: Flat chested


Code Word:
Average looking
Really Means: Ugly


Code Word:
Really Means: Pathological liar


Code Word:
Really Means: Pick out curtains, now!


Code Word:
Communication important
Really Means: Just try to get a word in edge-wise


Code Word:
Contagious Smile
Really Means: Bring your penicillin


Code Word:
Really Means: College dropout


Code Word:
Emotionally Secure
Really Means: Medicated


Code Word:
Really Means: Has part-time job stuffing envelopes at home


Code Word:
Enjoys art and opera
Really Means: Snob


Code Word:
Enjoys Nature
Really Means: Bring your own granola


Code Word:
Exotic Beauty
Really Means: Would frighten a Martian


Code Word:
Really Means: Fat; ball buster


Code Word:
Financially Secure
Really Means: One paycheck from the street


Code Word:
Free spirit
Really Means: Substance user


Code Word:
Friendship first
Really Means: Trying to live down reputation as slut


Code Word:
Really Means: Annoying


Code Word:
Really Means: Comatose


Code Word:
Good Listener
Really Means: Borderline Autistic


Code Word:
Really Means: Caustic


Code Word:
Really Means: Your opinion doesn't count


Code Word:
In Transition
Really Means: Needs new sugar-daddy to pay the bills


Code Word:
Light drinker
Really Means: Lush


Code Word:
Looks younger
Really Means: If viewed from far away in bad light


Code Word:
Loves Travel
Really Means: If you're paying


Code Word:
Loves Animals
Really Means: Cat lady


Code Word:
Really Means: Will not let you treat her like a farm animal in bed, like last boyfriend did


Code Word:
Really Means: All body hair, all the time


Code Word:
Really Means: Ex-husband lives in the basement


Code Word:
Really Means: Lights out, missionary position only


Code Word:
Really Means: Desperate


Code Word:
Really Means: Loud


Code Word:
Really Means: Loud


Code Word:
Really Means: Wouldn't stand out in a pack of Munchkins


Code Word:
Really Means: Depressive Schzophrenic


Code Word:
Really Means: Bitch


Code Word:
Really Means: Shops on the Clairol aisle


Code Word:
Really Means: Frumpy


Code Word:
Really Means: Grossly Fat


Code Word:
Really Means: Looks better by candle light


Code Word:
Really Means: Jobless


Code Word:
Really Means: Insipid


Code Word:
Really Means: Road the short schoolbus


Code Word:
Really Means: Involved with a cult


Code Word:
Really Means: Boring


Code Word:
Tall, thin
Really Means: Anorexic


Code Word:
Really Means: Wrinkled


Code Word:
Really Means: Very Fat


Code Word:
Weight proportional to height
Really Means: Hugely Fat


Code Word:
Wants Soulmate
Really Means: One step away from stalking


Code Word:
Really Means: Nagged first husband to death


Code Word:
Really Means: Pompous


Code Word:
Young at heart
Really Means: Old Toothless Fogie

Prison vs Work

Prison vs Work:

- - - - - - - - - - - -
IN spend the majority of your time in an 8X10 cell.

AT spend most of your time in a 6X8 cubicle.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

IN get three meals a day (free).

AT only get a break for one meal and you have to pay for it yourself.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

IN get time off for good behavior.

AT get rewarded for good behavior with more WORK.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

IN PRISON...a guard locks and unlocks the doors for you.

AT must carry around a security card and unlock open all the doors yourself.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

IN PRISON... you can watch TV and play games.

AT get fired for watching TV and playing games.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

IN get your own toilet.

AT have to share.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

IN PRISON...they allow your family and friends to visit.

AT can not even speak to your family and friends.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

IN PRISON...all expenses are paid by taxpayers with no work at all.

AT get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for the prisoners.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

IN spend most of your life looking through the bars from the inside wanting to get out.

AT spend most of your time wanting to get out and go inside bars.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Blond Jokes!

(A) A blonde walks into a libary and shes like " can i have a hamburger some fries and a coke please and the librarian goes "sorry miss this is a library" the blonde repeats herself and so does the librarian and then the blonde ses " o sorry" and whispers can i have a hamburer coke and fries please"


Q: A blonde and a brunette jump off a top of a building but who landed first?

A: The brunette cos the blonde had 2 ask 4 directions


There was a blonde a brunette and a red head and a genie appeared and sed look at yourself in the mirror and sed look in the mirror and tell me what u think u r if ur rong u will get sucked in so the brunette went up and sed " i think ... i'm beautiful" and got sucked in then the red head went in and sed "i think i am clever and gorgeous" and she also got sucked in . finally the blonde went up andsed " ...i...think..." and got sucked in.


A blonde is on a plane and the man next to her asks if she wants to play a game. She replys no, she just wants to take a nap. 10 minutes later the man asks again, and explains the rules: i ask a question and if you get it wrong, you give me 10 dollars then you ask me a question and if i get it wrong, i give you 10 dollars. She again replys no, she just wantsa to sleep. So he asks again but now says, okay, if you get one wrong, you give me 10 dollars, but if i get one wrong, i give you 100 dollars. She says okay. The man went first and asked, what's the square root of 567483, she hands him 10 dollars. She asks him, what goes up a hill with 2 legs comes down with 4 and has 7 eyes? the man was puzzled. he takes out his laptop and searched the web, but could not find the answer, then he called his doctor friend, and he did not know the answer. After about an hour of struggling, he wakes up the blonde from her nap and hands her 100 dollars, and she thanks him and goes back to sleep. The man wakes her up and says, well, what's the answer? the blonde reaches in her purse and hands him 10 dollars.


Q: How do you make a blonde snowman?

A: Hollow out the head.


Three girls walked into a bar... one blonde, two red heads.The blonde asked for a pint... the bar man said 'only if u pick the scabs off my sons face'.. she said 'ew no'

then one of the red heads asked for a glass of wine.. the bar man said 'only if you pick the scabs off my sons face' she said 'ew no' she and the blonde walked out the bar

the other red head said 'i will pick the scabs off ur sons face if i can have a glass of sherry'

the bar man said ok and gave the red head a small plastic bag..

she went upstairs,picked them off, put them in the bag and threw it out the window.

the blonde who was standing underneath picked the bag up and said

'oooooh look a packet of crisps'

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Free Prepaid Reload for 012, 013, 016, 017, 019

Kat sini aku ada berita baik punya untuk menjimatkan poket kawan-kawan yang sentiasa kering.cara me reload prepaid tanpa membayar duit. pelik kan.aku dapat daripada awek kat kedai handphone masa aku round kat suria klcc.duduk berborak dengan dia aku pun korek lah rahsia pasal handphone ni.last-last cair jugak dia.dia pun bagitau lah aku cara-cara nak mereload prepaid ni secara percuma.ok, sila baca keterangan dibawah ni untuk kegunaan ngkorang... untuk semua talian 012,013,016,017 dan 019, anda semua selepas ini tak payahlah pergi ke kedai handphone lagi untuk mereload prepaid anda.

Disini ada cara untuk mereload handphone dengan cara yang agak illegal
yerr.. tapi cara mereload handphone ini hanya boleh digunakan pada 10 dan 11 haribulan pada setiap bulan.ini kerana setiap talian ini di upgrade pada masa-masa ini. ok, kepada pengguna talian 012, 013, 016, 017, 019 ambik telefon anda dail 1415007 dan tunggu dalam 5 saat dan anda akan dengar seperti bunyi bising,tunggu sehingga bunyi itu hilang dan dail 9151 tunggu 3 saat dan tekan nombor telefon anda.

Anda akan dengar dia cakap "please insert you pin number" masukkan 011785 45227 00734 tunggu selepas dia kata nombor pin selesai, lepas tu dial 0405
untuk k.l, 0406 untuk yang duduk di selangor. anda akan mendengar "for airtime top-up press 1723"selepas dail nombor tadi tekan nombor telefon anda sekali lagi.tunggu selepas bunyi bising selesai, dial 4455147 diikuti 146 selepas 5 saat...ok, yang ni agak banyak sikit, dial 1918 lepas 3 saat dial 4451 dan masukkan siri 0117-445227 1145527 tunggu selepas bunyi dail diangkat terus dail 55524785933 dan selepas anda dengar "please key in your password" tekan ****2+253+7891*+546322, tunggu sampai dia kata "your passwords accepts" dan dia akan kata "please insert your emey number" tekan nombor telefon anda lagi sekali sampai anda dengar seperti bunyi dial diangkat, anda dial 1566 dan anda akan dengar dia kata "re-confirm your emey number" lepas tu dial nombor tepon anda seperti berikut, contoh = 6011556 2245334 + no tepon anda.... selepas beberapa saat, anda akan mendengar "your pin number is accept" anda terus dail 1007 dan anda akan dengar "your emey number is accept" terus dail 4566 dan anda akan dengar "your password is accept" terus dail nombor tepon anda dan anda akan dengar "kepala hotak kau, kat dalam dunia ni mana ada benda yang free, masuk toilet pun kena bayar 20 sen" dan anda terus matikan handphone anda atau baling kearah dinding kerana dikhuatiri akan menggangu fikiran anda...

Phua Chu Kang

Phua Chu Kang was asked to create a story using 1 to 10.

This is what he came up with...

"1 day I go 2 climb up a 3 outside a house to peep. After I saw couple, couple saw me, so I panic and 4 down. The man rush out and wanted to 5 with me but I ran away until I so 6 and wanna throw up. I chabot into 7-eleven to hide and grab some 8 to throw at him. Then I get 9 and try to stab him. And 10 hor ... 10 hor ... he die lor.

So, I put the 9 back and pay the girl for the 8 and left 7 eleven. Next day, I call my boss and say

I am 6, boss...

He said 5... Tomorrow also don need to come back 4 work. He also ask me to climb a tall 3 and jump. I don understand, I nice 2 him but I still don know what he 1..."

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Ninja Spotted...

Breaking News...

We have credible sources telling us that a 'ninja' has been spotted roaming around Bedok Reservoir. Witnesses say that it was a man dressed in a strange garb, similar to that of an army personnel, but in black and grey. He was also seen weilding a giant sword. We can confirm that the man was a ninja as he had on a forehead protector, carried kunais, shurikens and witnesses who he conversed with, said he introduced himself as Itachi Zabuza, a ninja from the village of the Hidden Water.

Exclusive: A witness tells us his experience.
"I was jogging round the reservoir and all of a sudden this man dressed funnily appeared by my side. He looked like he was partly covered with masking tape. I wanted to tell him that he looked weird, but he was holding this very big sword and he had strange red eyes. I stopped and he stopped. He said, I am Itachi Zabuza, a ninja from the village of the Hidden Water. He asked if I had seen a kid named Naruto who is a ninja as well."

"I freaked out and started to sms my fren who was jogging in front of me rapidly. I knew that he would not see what I was smsing cos I was a champion smser who can sms 'The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serasalmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack a human' in less than 2 minutes."

"However, he started laughing, whipped out a handphone and began to text. His keystrokes were mimicking mine! I could see as he was holding his handphone beside mine. I screamed and ran away to the nearest police post while hearing him say something about sharigan?. It took me quite a while as I just moved here and was not sure where the police post was."

Well those who live around the area of the reservoir would have to be careful while the police ponders whether to investigate this matter. The public is advised to be on the lookout for suspicious people and bags, and for parents to have a constant watch on their children as this 'Ninja' might be a terrorist, trying to recruit adolescents for stealth activities.


There have been reports of several people crying out of the theatres, which are showing Bollywood movies. This spate of events is currently investigated by paranormal experts, who said that these happenings have spiked since the recent IFAA awards. They believe that certain Bollywood movies are in fact vessels for the spread of the unknown. Research have shown that these viewers who ran out of the theatres have had little or NO prior experience in watching Bollywood movies, and what the interviews reveal, are nothing but revealing.

One of the viewers, while lying on the ground, curled up in a ball, said that she had seen something that appeared during the movie that didn't seem to add up to the storyline. She had heard, all of a sudden and without prior warning, the beginning of a song followed by a strange vision. The actor and actress were suddenly singing and dancing with numerous back-up dancers at unknown locations, while seeming to be looking directly at the viewer. This phenomena she said happened several times during the movie. She explained that the reason she cried out of the theatre was due to the ending and the whole storyline, and that eventhough it's unexplainable and worrisome to her that she should be affected that way, she must view a Bollywood movie again.

It seems that she has been spellbound, similar to a Ringu spell, but differs in that now, viewers who watches a Bollywood movie would have to watch another soon. The viewers are of the belief that should they see a Bollywood movie which is without the strange phenomena, they would be cured of the addiction.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Interesting Facts 3

Continue from interesting facts 2

28. Cranberries are sorted for ripeness by bouncing them; a fully ripened cranberry can be dribbled like a basketball.

30. The letters KGB stand for Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti

31. 'Stewardesses' is the longest English word that is typed with only the left hand.

33. The combination "ough" can be pronounced in nine different ways; the following sentence contains them all: "A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed."

34. The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable.

35. Facetious and abstemious contain all the vowels in the correct order, as does arsenious, meaning "containing arsenic."

36. Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards, and are on the Australian seal for that reason.

37. Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten.

38. The word "Checkmate" in chess comes from the Persian phrase "Shah Mat," which means "the king is dead."

39. The reason firehouses have circular stairways is from the days of yore when the engines were pulled by horses. The horses were stabled on the ground floor and figured out how to walk up straight staircases.

Interesting Facts 2

continue from interesting facts 1:

13. Los Angeles's full name is "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reinade los Angeles de Porciuncula" and can be abbreviated to 3.63% of its size,L.A.

14. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

15. Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.

16. Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button. It was eliminated when he was sewn up after surgery.

17. Telly Savalas and Louis Armstrong died on their birthdays.

18. Donald Duck's middle name is Fauntleroy.

19. The muzzle of a lion is like a fingerprint - no two lions have the same pattern of whiskers.

21. A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.

23. There is a seven-letter word in the English language that contains ten words without rearranging any of its letters, "therein": the,there, he, in, rein, her, here, ere, therein, herein.

24. Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.

26. A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.

27. It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

Interesting Facts

1. The longest one-syllable word in the English language is "screeched."

2. "Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt"

3. Almonds are members of the peach family.

4. The symbol on the "pound" key (#) is called an octothorpe.

5. The dot over the letter 'i' is called a tittle.

6. Ingrown toenails are hereditary.

7. The word "set" has more definitions than any other word in the English language.

8. "Underground" is the only word in the English language that begins and ends with the letters "und."

9. There are only four words in the English language which end in "-dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.

10. The longest word in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.

11. The only other word with the same amount of letters is its plural: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosesl.

12. The longest place-name still in use is Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwe-nuakit natahu, a New Zealand hill.


hello. this is my bolg. this is a test msg...