Interesting Things

Just about intersting thing or facts and even cool stories n others...Please do leave ur comments on the topics posted.. thank you for visiting...

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Blond Jokes!

(A) A blonde walks into a libary and shes like " can i have a hamburger some fries and a coke please and the librarian goes "sorry miss this is a library" the blonde repeats herself and so does the librarian and then the blonde ses " o sorry" and whispers can i have a hamburer coke and fries please"


Q: A blonde and a brunette jump off a top of a building but who landed first?

A: The brunette cos the blonde had 2 ask 4 directions


There was a blonde a brunette and a red head and a genie appeared and sed look at yourself in the mirror and sed look in the mirror and tell me what u think u r if ur rong u will get sucked in so the brunette went up and sed " i think ... i'm beautiful" and got sucked in then the red head went in and sed "i think i am clever and gorgeous" and she also got sucked in . finally the blonde went up andsed " ...i...think..." and got sucked in.


A blonde is on a plane and the man next to her asks if she wants to play a game. She replys no, she just wants to take a nap. 10 minutes later the man asks again, and explains the rules: i ask a question and if you get it wrong, you give me 10 dollars then you ask me a question and if i get it wrong, i give you 10 dollars. She again replys no, she just wantsa to sleep. So he asks again but now says, okay, if you get one wrong, you give me 10 dollars, but if i get one wrong, i give you 100 dollars. She says okay. The man went first and asked, what's the square root of 567483, she hands him 10 dollars. She asks him, what goes up a hill with 2 legs comes down with 4 and has 7 eyes? the man was puzzled. he takes out his laptop and searched the web, but could not find the answer, then he called his doctor friend, and he did not know the answer. After about an hour of struggling, he wakes up the blonde from her nap and hands her 100 dollars, and she thanks him and goes back to sleep. The man wakes her up and says, well, what's the answer? the blonde reaches in her purse and hands him 10 dollars.


Q: How do you make a blonde snowman?

A: Hollow out the head.


Three girls walked into a bar... one blonde, two red heads.The blonde asked for a pint... the bar man said 'only if u pick the scabs off my sons face'.. she said 'ew no'

then one of the red heads asked for a glass of wine.. the bar man said 'only if you pick the scabs off my sons face' she said 'ew no' she and the blonde walked out the bar

the other red head said 'i will pick the scabs off ur sons face if i can have a glass of sherry'

the bar man said ok and gave the red head a small plastic bag..

she went upstairs,picked them off, put them in the bag and threw it out the window.

the blonde who was standing underneath picked the bag up and said

'oooooh look a packet of crisps'