Interesting Things

Just about intersting thing or facts and even cool stories n others...Please do leave ur comments on the topics posted.. thank you for visiting...

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Travis goes to the doctor and tells the doctor"I c-c-can't s-s-stop s-s-stuttering".
The doctor checks him over and says "the problem is your dick is to big and it's pulling down on your vocal cord and causing you to stutter. the way to fix it is to cut half of it off".
Travis says "w-w-whatever it t-t-takes".

Six weeks later Travis goes back to the doctor and says "I don't stutter anymore but my wife and girlfriend left me. I want you to put it back on".

The doctor said "f-f-f-forget it!"

InDiAn MoM...

A young Indian man excitedly tells his
mother he's fallen in love and
that he is going to get married.
He says, "Just for fun,Ma, I'm going to
bring over 3 women and you try and guess which one
I'm going to marry."

The mother agrees.

The next day, he brings three beautiful women into
the house and sits them
down on the couch and they chat for a while.He
then says, "Okay Ma, guess
which one I'm going to marry."

She immediately replies, "The one on the right."
"That's amazing, Ma. You're right. How did you Know?"




The Indian mother replies, "I don't like her."

TrY THiS OuT...

Open a blank Word document (microsoft word) and type
the following:


and then Press 'Enter' and wait 5 seconds...

Each sentence contains all alphabets from A to huh?

Friday, October 13, 2006

D wOrD FaSCiNaTe...

A teacher asks her class of 3rd graders
to use the
word "fascinate" in a sentence. She calls on a
small boy sitting in the front row.

"I saw an airshow. And it was very fascinating."

"Good, but I wanted you to use the
word 'fascinate,' not 'fascinating.'" She then calls
on a girl sitting off to the left.

"I saw some monkeys. They were very

"Good, but I wanted you to use the
world 'fascinate,' not 'fascinating.'" Billy's hand
shoots up into the air and she calls on him.

"Teacher, teacher! I got one!"

"Go ahead, Billy."

"My sister's shirt has ten buttons, but her tits are
so big she can only fascinate."

D wOrD FaSCiNaTe...

A teacher asks her class of 3rd graders
to use the
word "fascinate" in a sentence. She calls on a
small boy sitting in the front row.

"I saw an airshow. And it was very fascinating."

"Good, but I wanted you to use the
word 'fascinate,' not 'fascinating.'" She then calls
on a girl sitting off to the left.

"I saw some monkeys. They were very

"Good, but I wanted you to use the
world 'fascinate,' not 'fascinating.'" Billy's hand
shoots up into the air and she calls on him.

"Teacher, teacher! I got one!"

"Go ahead, Billy."

"My sister's shirt has ten buttons, but her tits are
so big she can only fascinate."