Interesting Things

Just about intersting thing or facts and even cool stories n others...Please do leave ur comments on the topics posted.. thank you for visiting...

Friday, April 07, 2006

D DriVeR's LiCeNcE...

A little girl and her mother were out and
about. The girl, out of the blue, asked her mother,
"Mommy, How old are you?"

The mother responded, "Honey, women don't talk
about their age. You'll learn this as you get older."
The girl then asked, "Mommy, how much do you weigh?"
Her mother responded again, "That's another thing
women don't talk about. You'll learn this, too, as
you grow up."The girl still wanting to know about her mother,
then fires off another question, "Mommy, Why did
you and daddy get a divorce?" The mother, a little annoyed by the questions,
responded, "Honey, that is a subject that hurts me
very much, and I don't want to talk about it now."
The little girl, frustrated, sulks until she is dropped
off at a friend's house to play. She consults with
her girlfriend about her and her mother's
conversation. The girlfriend says, "All you have to
do is sneak and look at your mother's driver's
license. It's just a like a report card from school. It
tells you everything."

Later, the little girl and her mother are out and
about again. The little girl starts off with, "Mommy,
Mommy, I know how old you are. I know how old
you are. You're 32 years old." The mother is very shocked. She
asks, "Sweetheart, how do you know that?"
The little girl shrugs and says, "I just know. And I
know how much you weigh. You weigh 130 pounds."
"Where did you learn that?"
The little girl says, "I just know. And I know why
you and daddy got a divorce. You got an 'F' in sex."